Sonder, a functional soda with medicinal mushrooms, faced the challenge of establishing itself in the competitive better-for-you soda category. The unique twist involved incorporating modern ingredients like Chaga, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane into traditional flavors like Kola and Orange Vanilla. The task demanded a delicate fusion of innovation and familiarity, bridging the gap between contemporary wellness and traditional soda preferences.
- Creative Strategy
- Brand Identity
- Illustration
- Packaging Creative
- Packaging Production
- Website Creative
- Website Development
- Content Photography
- Organic Social Media Content
Our solution for Sonder was a bold yet natural-feeling canned beverage brand and logo. Detailed illustrations were intricately woven into the design to narrate the story behind the brand’s name, emphasizing the concept of “Sonder.” We extended this comprehensive approach to branding, illustration, packaging, web, and social media content, creating a cohesive and engaging narrative. The result was a seamless integration of modernity and tradition, positioning Sonder as a unique player in the better-for-you soda market with a captivating story to tell.